Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We can hardly wait to meet Rylee Jean. Jean was picked because that was my grandmother's middle name. She would be so proud of Morgan if she was here. I am down to weekly dr appointments. Last week I was fifty percent effaced and one cm dilated. So exciting to be this close to welcoming a brand new gift from God! My mom thought full moon would maybe put me in labor but that didn't happen. The last couple weeks seem to go on forever. We would like to go to the beach this weekend if my status didn't change and the dr says ok. The problem is that we have arranged to have Rylee's cord blood taken for the hearing issues in our family. This is only set up at the home delivering hospital. We do not want to mess this up!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

looking forward to hearing the safe arrival of your new bundle! I also pray all goes well with the hearing tests.
Enjoy your last few weeks of being preg, it does seem to go slow but it really goes quite quickly! Best of Luck :)