I wanted to post this web site for anyone that reads Morgan's blog that has a child with an Implant or is considering getting one. You have to first sign up and be accepted but it is well worth it. Its on Yahoo.com and you need to sign up the the "cicircle group". You get to talk to other parent who are a major help. When I have a question about anything, and I mean anything I post it and its amazing how fast of a response you will get back from other parents wanting to help you. This web site has truly been a blessing for my family. We have learned so many thing that have help with Morgan and have been able to open the door to finding out what other people are using and doing with their implant. For example we were just able to find someone that makes barrettes that will attach to the coil of her implant so there is no way we can lose it if it falls off her ear. Without this group I would have never found information like that. The web site is
1 comment:
Hi there! I love CI Circle - it has been very useful to me also. My friend passed your blog along to me today. She works for Knoll in NYC and her colleague send her the link, knowing about my blog, thinking it might be useful to me. Anyway, small world. We also take Lucas to CHOP, and he is scheduled to be implanted on 12/26. Any CHOP advice for me? Check out his blog: http://lucasreedcampbell.blogspot.com. Take care, and I'd love to chat with you sometime! Jen
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