Thursday, September 17, 2009

Soundfield is set up in school

Morgans soundfield system was all charged and set up for school on Tue. Mrs Derstine said that Morgan didn't miss a beat. Its a small box(maybe the size of a brick) and it sits on the counter behind Morgan and Mrs Derstine wears the Microphone around her neck or clipped on her shirt. She says its working fantastic. All the children seem to like it as well. They want a magic ear like Morgan. Morgan is all smiles when she gets to show something new to the class. They all got to put their ear up to the amplifier box and listen and feel the vibrations from it. We are so happy that everything is still going great. Heather also has been having all great comments about Morgan. Today they worked on things that are the same and different. Keep up the good work!


PolyglotMom said...

I'm really glad that it's going so well! You must be so relieved!

Morgan's Mommy said...

Yes I am very relieved, we were so blessed to find another good school for Morgan. Her teachers are still very impressed at her listening skills and how attentive she is in class, we have Clarke, Sherri, and Sarah to thank for that.