Well our
IEP day was May 20
th. We started off the day with a trip to see Carmen at CHOP to be mapped. Nothing changed with that because Morgan is hearing all the high and low tones beautifully. She was hearing things that I couldn't hear( sad for me). And the
appt after us never showed up so Carmen as able to give Morgan a hearing test in her right ear and programed her hearing aid. She is getting something from it which I really didn't think she was going to. Its not much but I might help with localization for her. She was able to respond when she heard something in that ear. I was very impressed. She was such a good girl and we were there for almost 3 hours. After we left there we went and took Morgan for her favorite chicken from
fil-A for lunch before we went to the
IEP. Since we were going from one appointment to the next we had to take Morgan with us to the
IEP. WOW was she a good girl, I could not have asked for her to behave any better. She was a very good listener! The
IEP last about 2-2 1/2 hrs and went very fast actually. The goals that were set for Morgan were very good and I think very attainable given that we put the effort into help her...I am now a 24 hr hearing support teacher as well as her Mommy or at least it feels like it. I am learning just as much as she is. I learn something new everyday and I have her to thank for it! With the idea of Morgan going to a mainstream preschool next year 2 days a week for about 4 hrs each day I knew I needed to have a support teacher with her each day so that they could make sure she was keeping up with her "typical" peers. Due to her scoring so well on all the test, and measuring as age appropriate they were not so willing to give me what I thought would be best for her. So after
alot of discussion about the reasons why I wanted a hearing support teacher with her both days, they agreed to review the topic again. I took all the papers home to read more carefully. With the exception of the support teacher everything else looked pretty good. I was pretty pleased. Also on the way to our CHOP appointment we got a very nice phone call my in-laws. As you all know Morgan is attending Clarke right now and we were not able to send her there next year due to the fact that I had no way of getting her there 5 days a week from 9am-1:30pm, I was just
thankful enough that my wonderful Mother in Law takes Morgan on Tue and Thurs this year. Well they told us they just love Clarke so much and have seen how Morgan has really made some astonishing
progress that they will make sure she gets there next year. I was so shocked and thrilled I didn't know what to think. This was going to change everything that I had planned for her
IEP that day. I decided to go into it with the intention of going to a mainstream preschool and see what happens. Now I am in the process of really deciding where Morgan will be going next year. Most likely it will be back to our Clarke family!!!!!!!!
Wow, that's so great about Clarke! I really need to check it out there!
What is IEP? I am all new to the process. We have a blog that you can check out, called Taylor's CI Journey.
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